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Deployment Direction 2009: Background Work In The Forefront

Szöveg: Róbert Kátai |  2009. szeptember 22. 6:50

Although exercise Deployment Direction was officially opened only this week, but the creation of the proper conditions for implementation has already started in the middle of August. The troops of the HDF 64th ’József Boconádi Szabó’ Logistics Regiment and HDF 43rd Signal and Command Support Regiment are not in the limelight, yet their work is essential to the successful implementation of the task. 

The soldiers of the two corps arrived to the Water Training Base near Ercsi and started the preparatory works of the camp in the morning of 17 August. Of course, this is not the first Deployment Direction exercise where the 64th and the 43rd corps are in charge of service provision and safety.

In the series of exercises Deployment Direction the two organizations have been present since 2005 and have carried out together the manifold work of logistics providers in the backround. Some 200 troops of the logistics regiment have started to set up the camp and equip the food supply point, establish a fuel filling point, and furnish the service and resting facilities.

Fifty troops of the Command Support Regiment have already completed the construction of the working and resting quarters of the Joint Forces Command, the office of visitors and observers, and the development of the signalling and IT network. Thanks to them there is intranet and internet connection in the camp, and line and signalling connection have been established among the various posts and the peace garrisons.


Following the construction of the camp, the personnel who had been assigned this specific task have returned to Kaposvár and Székesfehérvár. Some 150 troops have remained in the camp from the personnel of the logistics corps, and 50 troops from the command support corps. So now approximately 200 persons are in charge of every task that is related to the operation and maintentance of the camp.

The deployment and return of the main corps participating in the exercise, as well as the coordination of movement in the training ground have been completed and will be completed until the end of the exercise by two Movement Coordination Teams selected from the personnel of the Transport Coordination Company of the 64th logistics regiment. Their tasks, on the basis of the data received from deploying and returning military organizations and the military organizations that have marched through the exercise ground, is to report the personnel and technical combat value of military trains, motorcades on public roads (routes, planned departure and arrival times, name, position, contact details of consignment and column commander) to the operative units of the HDF 37th ‘Ferenc Rákóczi II’ Engineering Battalion and the HDF 5th ‘István Bocskai’ Infantry Brigade.

During exercise Deployment Direction 2009, the 64th logistics regiment operates a food supply point where they have to provide some 1,200 persons with meals three times a day. Nearly the entire specialized personnel of the regiment have been deployed here and they are working almost non-stop – the field-kitchen never stops. In the camp the regiment also operates a repair unit in which the troops of the combat vehicle repair squad of the 5th brigade, the technical equipment repair squad of the 37th battalion, and the vehicle repair squad of the 64th regiment work together.

Thus there are service provision and technical corps working in the background in order that the training personnel can fulfill their tasks unhindered, thereby demonstrating the leaders of the country and the military, as well as the citizens of the Republic of Hungary the new and renewed capabilities of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the cooperation of the services and specialized teams of the professional military.
