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Volunteer Operational Reservist Lt.-Col. Dr. Dezső Hajós


Disaster Management Training

2016. március 28. 11:34

According to plans, a designated unit of the armed forces of Bosnia-Herzegovina (AFBiH) and the Hungarian platoon of the EUFOR Multinational Battalion (MNBN) conducted a weeklong joint training event in the Livno combat training centre in the second half of March to practice the complex use of techniques for handling disaster situations.


Hungarians for Community Sports in EUFOR

2016. január 26. 9:00

After finishing their daily work, the peacekeepers serving Camp Butmir, Sarajevo regularly visit a well-equipped gym and exercise hall in the afternoon and evening hours. Beyond individual opportunities, of course the interested soldiers of the mission can participate in joint workouts as well.


Troop Rotation in the HDF EUFOR Contingent

2016. január 25. 5:36

According to plans, a troop rotation took place in the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR HUNCON) in Sarajevo during the first two weeks of January.