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Coming from Mission, Going to Mission

Szöveg: Sándor Galambos |  2013. február 4. 9:04

Our contingent, which has just returned home, performed its service by outstanding professional standards, and the training standards of the troops who are about to go to mission are praiseworthy – Maj. Gen. László Domján said in Hódmezővásárhely on January 30.

In the main square of the town in Csongrád County, the commander of the HDF Joint Force
Command welcomed the 11th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent returning home from
Sarajevo and the eighth rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent which is to deploy to Kosovo.


Addressing more than 300 troops at a combined “welcome home" and farewell ceremony,
Maj.-Gen. László Domján reminded his audience that around 1,000 service members of the
Hungarian Defence Forces are currently serving in various crisis zones around the world. Of
these missions, the service in the region of the Western Balkans – that is, service with the
forces operating in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo – is a task of outstanding importance.

The commander of the HDF Joint Force Command stressed that Hungary’s soldiers may be
considered as diplomats during their service abroad, because through their professionalism
and courageous acts they have already done, are doing and can continue to do a lot to
further improve Hungary’s standing and international image as well as to enhance its good

Answering our question, Maj.-Gen. Domján told us that the Hungarian Defence Forces
consider the fulfillment of their allied commitments one of their main tasks, since we have
learned and can continue to learn a lot of lessons in the future while participating in missions,
and thanks to these lessons, we can improve and strengthen our capabilities. The Hungarian
soldiers carry out their tasks honorably in every place around the world, and they are able to
participate in operations conducted with any kind of dynamics.


The commander of the HDF JFC pointed out that the just returned 11th EUFOR rotation
had accomplished a task on an excellent level which is unprecedented in the history of the
Hungarian Defence Forces. This contingent has been the first to serve as a “divided force",
since 26 soldiers were deployed in the area of operations while most members of the mission
served with the Intermediate Reserve Force in Hungary, ready to deploy at short notice.

The ceremony included the presentation of awards. Acting upon their superior commander’s
proposal, the Chief of the Defence Staff presented Maj. Péter Fazekas with a token of
appreciation in recognition of his outstanding work during his service with the 11th rotation of
the HDF EUFOR Contingent, on the occasion of the completion of his tour of duty abroad.
The commander of the HDF Joint Force Command also presented tokens of appreciation to
Maj. József Seres, Capt. Donát Büki and SFC László Szabados in recognition of their work,
and handed over a memorial certificate to PFC Attila Szabó.


Photos by the author