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Some for the First Time, Some for the Eighth Time…

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2012. december 13. 11:15

Like in every other mission, there are many soldiers in the seventh rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent who are on their umpteenth tour of duty abroad. Part of the troops, however, is deploying with the mission for the first time.

Cpl. Tímea Patyi has been serving with the HDF 25th Klapka György Infantry Brigade of Tata for ten years. She had not deployed with a mission previously over all these years, so it was understandable that she was a bit nervous during the pre-deployment training for the present one: what does Kosovo hold in store for her?


“In the last three months the company has been forged into a completely cohesive unit. It is very good to work together with the boys and girls", says Tímea, adding that the opportunity to contact her family every day via the internet is a great help to her. Her husband is a soldier too, he had earlier deployed to Afghanistan, so he is well aware how important a secure “home front" can be to a serviceperson on tour of duty abroad.

SFC Tibor Szunyogh’s daughter was just three months old when he deployed with KFOR in Kosovo this August. The young NCO is already a seasoned KFOR soldier, since the present mission is the eighth one among all his tours, of which he did six ones in the Kosovo area of operations. Besides, he deployed in Sarajevo twice.

“Dorka was born on May 17, I am just learning the fatherhood, but I did not want to miss out on this mission", the sergeant first class told us.


The platoon command NCO in the third platoon of the infantry company likes to undertake tours of duty abroad because he finds challenge in executing the tasks always with new soldiers, deploying with new teams time after time.

“I am fortunate because my family understands this and supports me in everything. My wife is a soldier too, I first met her here in Kosovo", SFC Szunyogh says. He thinks that the country has changed a lot since his first mission here in 2000.

Photo: Tünde Rácz