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Appreciation for the Work Accomplished

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2013. március 16. 6:08

Brig.-Gen. Péter Ernő Siposs was awarded the Austrian Military Merit Decoration of the Bundesheer on March 1 in Sarajevo. The Hungarian general has been Chief of Staff in the EUFOR Althea mission over the last one year.

Dr. Köck Donatus, the ambassador of Austria to Bosnia-Herzegovina presented Brig.-
Gen. Péter Ernő Siposs with the Bundesheer Military Merit Decoration awarded by Federal
Minister of National Defence and Sport Norbert Darabos at a ceremony held in Sarajevo,
where the Hungarian general handed over the chief of staff position to his successor, Brig.-
Gen. (Eng.) József Szpisják.


“I have received the decoration as chief of staff of the European Union-led international
mission, in recognition of the work accomplished. During my tour abroad, I was fortunate to
have been able to develop very good relations with the soldiers of the 23 troop contributing
nations and of course with the Austrian commander of the EUFOR", told us Brig.-Gen. Siposs
in answer to our question. The general is the chief of the Force Planning Directorate of the
Defence Staff in Hungary.

He added that during his one-year service, two series of events had occurred in Bosnia-
Herzegovina which had affected the EUFOR troops and the chief of staff himself. At the end
of winter the leadership of the international peacekeeping mission had to deal with the serious
problems caused by the extreme weather, while in the summer months they were responsible
for coordinating the fight against bush- and forest fires.


“The mission and the organization of the EUFOR HQ have undergone a significant
transformation during my tour of duty, and in the implementation of these tasks, I managed to
make good use of the experience I had gained in my position back in Hungary" – Gen. Siposs
told us when we asked him about the most important military benefits of his one-year service

“I think that being awarded a foreign military medal is a tremendous honor to every soldier
serving abroad. Naturally, I am very happy to receive this medal from the Austrian Federal
Minister of National Defence and Sport, and it will go to an easily noticeable place in the
showcase at my workplace, in the first row alongside my Hungarian decorations" – the
general told us, adding that he has not yet received a foreign decoration from any other
nations during his military career.


Photos: Gábor Galovtsik and the author