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Assisting the Local Population

Szöveg: HDF KAIA FPC-2 PAO |  2013. július 4. 9:00

The support given to the civil population living in the area of the Kabul International Airport goes a long way towards enhancing the safety of task execution by the Hungarian personnel of the KAIA Force Protection Contingent. In this spirit, the Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) tasks in June also contributed to earning greater appreciation for our soldiers’ work.

Besides organizing civil-military events and meetings, the Hungarian officer working alone in the CIMIC cell at KAIA actively participates in developing positive relations with the local population.


During the meetings held with the maleks (local community leaders) in May, the representatives of local communities requested, among others, agricultural support from the HDF Kabul International Airport Force Protection Contingent (HDF KAIA FPC). As a result of this, the farmers recently received the requested pesticide, so that they can cultivate the arable lands of Paymonar and Deh-e Yahya villages in the northern area of the KAIA.

This year the rainy season lasted longer than the previous ones, thus the farmers received the assistance in that period which is the most suitable for spraying the vegetables and orchards, said malek Ghulam Ghawas, the representative of the local people.


Selling the crops is the only source of income for the residents of the two villages, and the use of pesticide helps them improve the crop results, which will lead to increased income. Col. Zoltán Apáti, the commander of the HDF KAIA FPC handed over a total of 1,200 kilograms of spray pesticide to the village leader of Deh-e Yahya, representing the villages. From that point on, the malek is responsible for making sure that the pesticide – which will probably last out for the whole season – is proportionately distributed among the local farmers.

There are two Hungarian nurses and a Hungarian doctor working on the staff of the ROLE-3 military hospital operating in the area of KAIA North Camp. The core function of this hospital is to provide treatment for the patients and injured service members of NATO and coalition forces, but it also assists the local people as far as possible.


The condition and quality of the roads and the dust in the ambient air make transportation difficult, so traffic accidents with casualties frequently occur countrywide. In most cases, the injured are children playing on the roads who run in front of the cars without fear.

The Hungarian doctor and the nurses working at the camp pay special attention to hospitalized children, whose recovery takes a long time due to the severity of their injuries. To help keep them in a good and playful mood, the CIMIC officer handed the children a gift pack which comprised exercise, coloring and story-books, pens as well as color crayons.