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„Battering Ram” in Sarajevo

Szöveg: Maj. Gergely Hankóczi |  2012. június 23. 9:16

The companies of the EUFOR Multinational Battalion (MNBN) were ordered to conduct a field training exercise (FTX) in June, focusing on counter civil disturbance operations (CDO) with crowd and riot control (CRC) techniques.

To execute the tasks ordered by the MNBM commander, he Hungarian maneuver company (H-Coy) conducted a company-sized FTX “Battering Ram" in Rajlovac between May 29 and 30. On the first day, the nominated platoon got in contact with the allied observers who gathered information to help implement the company commander’s intent concerning the course of action. The CRC personnel of H-Coy were training at the site designated by the company commander. On day two of the exercise our soldiers enjoyed a fine weather, as the several-day raining gave way to sunshine, which was good for the morale too. Once the role-players were ready, the evacuation of the Liaison Observation Team (LOT) house started. The unruly crowd was naturally trying to prevent it, first by shouting then by putting up physical resistance. The company completed the task by the standing operating procedures (SOP) in a short time.

The commander of MNBN was present on the scene, watching the exercise being conducted by the H-Coy, then gave a brief after action review (AAR) to the commanders involved in the task execution, sharing with them some observations that they may use to further improve the performance level in the future. He stressed the soldiers’ positive attitude to the task and the fact that the CRC subunit pulled out in a well-organized manner as the last moment of the operation. The MNBN commander said he was very satisfied with the overall performance.