Ugrás a tartalomhozUgrás a menüpontokhozUgrás a lábléchez

Maj. Gergely Hankóczi



2012. június 29. 15:39

The superior ordered in June the companies of the Multinational Battalion (MNBN), the maneuver element of EUFOR to practice Crowd Disturbance Operations (CDO) using crowd riot control (CRC) techniques.


Medal Parade in Sarajevo

2012. június 24. 6:01

The mission of the 10th rotation of the HDF EUFOR contingent has reached an important landmark: on June 14 the Hungarian peacekeepers participated in the traditional medal parade. The event symbolized the successful accomplishment of the soldiers’ six-month tour of duty in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


„Battering Ram” in Sarajevo

2012. június 23. 9:16

The companies of the EUFOR Multinational Battalion (MNBN) were ordered to conduct a field training exercise (FTX) in June, focusing on counter civil disturbance operations (CDO) with crowd and riot control (CRC) techniques.


Soldierly Competition

2012. június 22. 8:45

The Austrian EUFOR Contingent organized a sports day on June 1, when a total of 19 six-man teams entered the competition to measure their strength and skills.


May Day – EUFOR-Style

2012. május 9. 14:23

Thanks to the successfully accomplished training tasks and exercises during the last weeks and months, the commander of the Multinational Battalion – the maneuver element of EUFOR, the peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina – declared May 1 an off-duty day, so the soldiers of the HDF EUFOR Contingent were able to organize sports competitions for themselves.


Securing Ammo Depots During the Training

2012. május 2. 9:13

The EUFOR Multinational Battalion (MNBN), including the Hungarian maneuver company, focused on securing arms and ammo depots during their training in Bosnia-Herzegovina in April.


Leaders of the Next Rotation on a Site Survey

2012. március 24. 8:29

The pre-deployment site survey (PDSS) team of the incoming 11th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent stayed in Sarajevo between March 5 and 9. The team included the designated commander, Lt.-Col. Gábor Bartók, who inspected the Hungarian peacekeepers’ accommodation and working conditions. Most members of the next rotation to deploy in Sarajevo serve with the HDF 37th ‘Ferenc Rákóczi II’ Engineer Regiment of Szentes.