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Securing Ammo Depots During the Training

Szöveg: Maj. Gergely Hankóczi |  2012. május 2. 9:13

The EUFOR Multinational Battalion (MNBN), including the Hungarian maneuver company, focused on securing arms and ammo depots during their training in Bosnia-Herzegovina in April.

The Hungarian infantry company was conducting a company-level exercise at Rajlovac on April 4-5 to prepare for the possible tasks ahead: they were guarding the designated depot at the local base for two consecutive days without interruption. Acting as “criminals", some role-players drawn from the personnel of the subunit attempted to disturb the work of the guard and to seize weapons from the depot.

The commander of the multinational battalion assessed the operational capability level of the infantry companies by ordering them to conduct the tactical exercise “WIDE SPREAD" between April 16-19. The exercise scenario was based on a situation in which the MNBN was tasked with guarding two ammo and explosives depots in the area of Banja Luka and Glamoc. On day one the Hungarian infantry company redeployed from Sarajevo to the environs of Banja Luka where it took over the installation and defended it successfully until the end of day two. This was when the Austrians took over the guard duties so the Hungarian company redeployed to the depot of Glamoc in the early morning hours to reinforce the Turkish company guarding it.

On day three the entire battalion and all the ammo and explosives were redeployed to the base near Glamoc. In the afternoon, the Hungarian company was tasked with reconnoitering and securing a designated area where the EOD team can start destroying the explosives.

On day four, after the stored materiel was successfully destroyed, the MNBN redeployed to Sarajevo.