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Leaders of the Next Rotation on a Site Survey

Szöveg: Maj. Gergely Hankóczi |  2012. március 24. 8:29

The pre-deployment site survey (PDSS) team of the incoming 11th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent stayed in Sarajevo between March 5 and 9. The team included the designated commander, Lt.-Col. Gábor Bartók, who inspected the Hungarian peacekeepers’ accommodation and working conditions. Most members of the next rotation to deploy in Sarajevo serve with the HDF 37th ‘Ferenc Rákóczi II’ Engineer Regiment of Szentes.

During the PDSS the key leaders of the EUFOR-11 HUN CON attended information briefings, met the Senior National Representative and conducted consultations in several special fields with the experts of the present rotation. The topics of the discussions included the current tasks of the EUFOR and the Multinational Battalion (MNBN) along with their chain of command, as well as the progress of the peace operation and the everyday life of the mission.

The designated commander of the infantry company gained useful experience in Capljina and Bileca while watching the company on the complex exercise “Snowball". The PDSS team completed its visit by learning about the environments of the camp and the town itself.

 Photo: HDF EUFOR Contingent