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Bocskai Brigade Troops in Sarajevo Again

Szöveg: Capt. Tamás Bognár |  2011. augusztus 2. 9:57

The tour of duty of the eighth rotation of the HDF EUFOR contingent in EUFOR ALTHEA (EUFOR-8 HUNCON) in Bosnia-Herzegovina is nearing completion. On Tuesday, July 26 the commanders of the eighth and ninth rotations – Maj. Győző Preininger and Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Kiss – signed the transfer of authority (TOA) documents, which concluded the official handover and takeover of position between the two contingent commanders.

Following the signature, Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Kiss told us that the TOA process was precisely prepared, which ensured smooth execution that faithfully reflects the high standards of the work done by Maj. Győző Preininger and the EUFOR-8 HUNCON during the past six months. In addition to handing over the material stocks, documents and positions, the soldiers of the EUFOR-8 HUNCON shared the lessons learned with the personnel of the incoming rotation during the two weeks of stepped-up preparation for the TOA process.

The new commander added that he requires the personnel of the EUFOR-9 HUNCON to execute their tasks precisely on time, so that they can enhance the good reputation of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the HDF 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade.

In what followed, the soldiers of the two rotations of the HDF EUFOR contingent and the officers and NCOs serving in individual NATO and EUFOR positions in Sarajevo attended a staff meeting. Brig.-Gen. Zoltán Gulyás, Deputy Commander EUFOR (DCOM EUFOR) and Hungary’s Senior National Representative (SNR) praised the high standards of the work done by the EUFOR-8 HUNCON and welcomed the personnel of the incoming rotation.

The staff meeting finished with handing over certificates of merit. Maj. Győző Preininger, Lt.-Col. Dr. József Kun, Lt.-Col. Emil Oláh, Maj. Erika Barta, Capt. Ákos Szakács, Capt. András Tóth, SFC Zsolt Liliom, SFC József Orsós and SFC Beatrix Mikó received certificates in recognition of their outstanding performance.