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„Book Train” Arrives at Tata

Szöveg: |  2010. szeptember 28. 12:14

The “book train” of the Zrínyi Ltd. has arrived at another station, namely the garrison of the HDF 25th Klapka György Infantry Brigade in Tata. The Zrínyi Co. has decided to help update the library holdings of the HDF units, so following the recent visits to Hajdúhadház and Debrecen, on this occasion Managing Director Dr. Lajos Gubcsi (PhD) and his colleagues, László Tóth and Csaba Blénesi visited the famous infantry brigade of Tata.

The guests handed over with great respect the several dozens of beautifully designed and valuable books to Deputy Commanding Officer Col. László Benda, Head Librarian Ilona Akacsné Sovány and their colleagues, including the soldiers who were browsing some books on the spot.

Pointing to the wide spectrum of works, Lajos Gubcsi noted that the specially selected books cover a number of topics ranging from Gábor Bethlen to the Revolution of 1956 and from Doberdo to the series entitled “Unit Traditions". He asked those present to use the books in developing open and public relationships with the school libraries, teachers and students. Moreover, the new books may be awarded to commended servicemen or may serve the purpose of expanding and updating the holdings of the library. The leaders of the Zrínyi Ltd. and the Infantry Brigade agreed that “A book should be held in one’s hands rather than on the shelf".




Photo: László Tóth