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Brigadier General Szpisják opened a workshop, held at the EUFOR HQ

Szöveg: |  2017. július 1. 6:00

On the 30th June 2017 the Chief Of Staff (COS) EUFOR, Brigadier General Szpisják opened a workshop, held at the EUFOR Headquarters , Camp Butmir. The workshop was based on “a comprehensive approach to capability and development” attendees included Major General Mirko Tepšić and other senior members of the Armed Forces of BIH.

Along with military skills and leadership training, EUFOR has enabled a significant range of capacity enhancing training events including dismantling of surplus and outdated ammunition, deployability and mobility of troops, disaster relief operations, road construction flight operations, flight safely and communication security to name a few.

EUFOR is working hard in these joint working groups to develop the Armed Forces of BiH so they can achieve self-sustaining operational capability.

