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Celebration and FOC Exercise at the EUFOR Contingent

Szöveg: Capt. Tamás Bognár |  2011. augusztus 31. 6:09

Following the completion of a training program that started in early August, the infantry company of the HDF EUFOR-9 contingent went on a full operational capability (FOC) exercise in mid-August.

The entire personnel of the unit had an opportunity to prove themselves in the military training area of Pazaric to Col. Friedrich Ölböck, the commander of the Multinational Battalion (MNBN) and a multinational team of evaluators. The successful exercise shows that the Hungarian company has reached full operational capability and the personnel’s equipment and professional level enable them to execute their tasks and to operate effectively together with units of other nations. On August 13 Col. Friedrich Ölböck handed over the MNBN badge to the lined-up Hungarian troops as a token of the company’s becoming a fully-fledged part of the battalion on that day.

On August 20 – Hungary’s national holiday – the troops of the EUFOR-9 HUNCON and the soldiers filling individual positions in NATO and EUFOR in Sarajevo attended a ceremonial staff meeting. First Capt. Dr. Zoltán Attila Vígh delivered a speech, then Capt. Dr. János Ervin Alácsi blessed the personnel. In what followed, Brig.-Gen. Zoltán Gulyás, the Deputy Commander of EUFOR, Hungary’s Senior National Representative gave a speech inside the dining facility of Camp Butmir. The brigadier-general praised the work done by the Hungarian contingent so far and said thanks for it. He noted that in his report the MNBN commander underscored the Hungarian troops’ high standards and exemplary demeanor. Afterwards the field chaplain consecrated the new bread baked from flour made of freshly reaped wheat. The program of the day concluded with a five-a-side football championship.