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Chief of Defence Holds Talks in Madrid

Szöveg: Defence Staff |  2013. május 12. 10:02

Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the Defence Staff recently arrived in Madrid for a two- day official visit, at the invitation of Admiral Fernando García Sánchez, Spanish Chief of Defence.


The Hungarian–Spanish military-to-military relations have been characterized by expert-level
dialogue in recent years. The cooperation focused on the reform of the armed forces, defence
review and strategic planning, financial management, the system of military judge advocate
general (JAG) offices, the structure of military medicine, legal issues and environmental

The goal of the visit, which started on May 7, is to exchange lessons learned in foreign
missions – which are priorities for Hungary –, and also to hold discussions to explore the
scope of cooperation in practice, with special regard to the role of the two countries in the
Balkans, Afghanistan and Africa. Furthermore, both sides can benefit from sharing the lessons
learned in their counter-improvised explosive devices (C-IED) programs.


At the start of the official visit with full military honors, Gen. Tibor Benkő laid a wreath by
the memorial to the unknown soldier in Madrid’s Plaza de la Lealtad (Lealtad Square). In
what followed, the Spanish Chief of Defence received the Chief of the Defence Staff at a
closed-door meeting, after which the official plenary talks began.

During the talks the two sides discussed the current issues in the review of the ongoing EU
crisis management procedures, the concepts of the envisioned EU Battle Group, the state and
opportunities of the NATO Centers of Excellence (COEs) accredited in the two countries,
and the directions in the two countries’ operational roles. Gen. Benkő was informed in detail
about the current status of the Spanish armed forces and the possible directions of their


As part of the official program, the Hungarian Chief of Defence paid a visit to Gefate Air
Base housing a transport wing, where he was given a detailed insight into the use of the airlift
capacity of the Spanish air force. He was introduced to the pilot training system as well as to
the circumstances and experiences of the operational deployment of Spanish transport aircraft.

Tibor Benkő closed his official visit by visiting the NATO C-IED Centre of Excellence.

The NATO Centres of Excellence (COEs) are nationally or multi-nationally funded
institutions that train and educate leaders and specialists from NATO member and partner
countries, assist in doctrine development, identify lessons learned, improve interoperability,
and capabilities, test and validate concepts through experimentation and integrate the lessons
learned in the areas of operations into the system of training. They offer recognized expertise
and experience that is of benefit to the Alliance and support the transformation of NATO.
NATO started fleshing out the CoE concept in 2003, and today there are 18 NATO accredited
Centers of Excellence, of which the Center of Excellence for Military Medicine (MILMED
COE) is based in Hungary. The Madrid-based Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Center
of Excellence (C-IED COE) has been a military organization with NATO accreditation since
2010, and Hungary joined this COE in 2011. Hungary wants to build closer relationships with
the C-IED Center of Excellence, to be able to further develop its already existing national
capability. The two partners’ cooperation in the field of C-IED training has mutual benefits

and directly supports the joint C-IED capability of NATO.