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Christmas of Mentors in Kabul

Szöveg: |  2012. január 1. 6:00

The fourth rotation of the HDF Logistic Mentor Team (LMT) took over their duties, and did not stop working during the holidays.

Lt. Col. Béla Kerekes, the commander of the fourth rotation of the HDF Logistic Mentor
Team (LMT) has taken over the command and the supervision of the professional duties these
days, and has defined the schedule of the mentoring activities for the different mentoring
teams in the area of operations.

The Commander of the ISAF Combat Service Support School expressed his gratitude to Lt.
Col. Kerekes at the reception of the members of the Hungarian rotation, for helping to find
solutions for the problems occurring in the everyday life of the soldiers of the Afghan school.
The meeting of the commanders was closed in the hope of a fruitful co-operation in the future.

Although the decorated Christmas tree radiated the atmosphere of the holiday in the
Hungarian camp, the soldiers tried to forget that they have to spend the holiday away from their
families by tasting the home-made roll-cake, as life in the area of operations does not
stop during the holidays, and the HDF Logistic Mentor Team (LMT), adapting to the local
culture in Afghanistan, continues its noble mission in 2012, too.

(Text and photo: HDF Logistic Mentor Team)