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COS EUFOR Presents Althea Medal to EUFOR Personnel

Szöveg: / |  2017. március 7. 11:36

On 28 February 2017 COS EUFOR, Brigadier General Albert Sáfár, presided over a medal parade at EUFOR HQ in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo. He presented the European Union Common Security and Defence Policy Medal Althea to 96 service personnel from 7 different nations and thanked them for their dedicated service in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Brigadier General Sáfár stated to the parade: “Today’s Medal Parade is very important, because it formally and publicly acknowledges your excellent contribution to the success of the EUFOR mission. In your medal citation it says: ‘you have fully met the requirements of eligibility’ to receive this service medal. It confirms that your service has contributed in a significant way to the overall EUFOR effort."


EUFOR Operation Althea is currently made up of service personnel from 14 EU member states and 5 partner nations. The countries represented at this medal parade were Austria, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey and Albania.