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Dancon March in Kosovo with Hungarian Soldiers

Szöveg: Maj. Ildikó Szmolenszki |  2013. április 1. 6:01

On March 16 in the early morning hours, the participants of the Dancon March in Camp Novo Selo, Kosovo encountered a biting wind and snowfall. The weather did not favor those seven Hungarian soldiers from the eighth rotation of the HDF KFOR contingent who entered the march to test their willpower and endurance.


The Dancon March, an international trial of strength has a past of more than 40 years. Its
tradition was started by the peacekeepers of the Royal Danish Army in the 1970s, and the
march is organized in every part of the world where Danish troops are deployed.

The entrants had to cover the around 26 kilometer route in eight hours among the mountains,
carrying weapons and a minimum 10 kg of equipment. Capt. Attila Hardi, Capt. Eszter
Walterné Szeri, Capt. László Kovács, 1Lt. Imre Varga-Tóth, Lt. Gergő Vitári, SFC Ottó
Ferenc Nagy and SFC Gábor Urbán negotiated all obstacles successfully, in the face of the
difficult conditions. The organizers awarded them certificates of completion and medals for
their performance.