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Defence Review 2017/1.

2017. augusztus 16. 12:15

 Gen. Petr Pavel: The Challenges Facing NATO Today  



Col. (Ret.) Friedrich W. Korkisch: The Never Ending Debate: Bridging the Gaps between Strategic Policy and Tactical Execution 

1st. Lt. (Res.) Roland Kiss: The Future of War, the Wars of the Future 




Bg. Gen. Imre Porkoláb: Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century: The Future of Integrated Leadership Approaches 
Lt. Col. Wolfgang Paul Illner: White Paper 2016, on German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr: An Introduction on the New German Security Policy and Development of the Bundeswehr  
Lt. Col. Tamás Szvath – Lt. Gen. Zoltán Orosz: Hungarian AAR Concept – Way Ahead
Lt. Col. Zsolt Végvári: International Scenes of Military Energy Research
Jeffrey Kaplan: Life During Wartime: Active Measures in the Microchip Era 
János Matus: A Subjective Selection from Facts and Ideas Related to European Integration Prior to BREXIT



Péter Marton– Péter Wagner: Hungary’s Partnering in Foreign Military Missions: A Different Kind of Regionalism 
Nóra Pákozdi – György Nógrádi: Radical Settlements in the Balkan
Daniela Dincao: The Last Colony of Africa 
Lt. Col. Endre Szénási: Syria: Another Dirty Pipeline War 



Zdzisław Śliwa – Marcin Górnikiewicz: The Selected Asean Nations’ Military Capabilities Facing the South China Sea Disputes 
Csaba Barnabás Horváth: China’s Rise and the Geopolitics of Southeast Asia 
Marcell György Pintér: China in the MENA Region 



Nóra Pákozdi – Marcell György Pintér: Review of “Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War" 


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