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Don Heroes Memorial Tour – This Year Again

Szöveg: Péter Snoj |  2015. január 8. 9:00

The Association of Hungarian Reservists (Matasz) is going to organize the Don Heroes Memorial Tour in 2015 too. The participants of this cultural and sports event of military character – Hungarian and foreign active-duty soldiers, reservists and re-enactors – will set off on the tour for the 15th time this year.


Like in every year, the organizers have some novelties in store in this year too. Based on earlier lessons learned, three tours will be launched between January 22 and 25 from three different starting points, which ensures that the participants of the performance tour coupled with commemoration can reach the largest number of municipalities, so they can pay tribute to the dead heroes’ memory at as many places as possible.

The 15-year-old Don Heroes Memorial Tour commemorates the dead heroes of the disaster at the Don River (January 1943) by exhibiting real performance, this time leading through Eger and the municipalities in its environs. The route sections start from Mátraderecske, Bélapátfalva and Bogács. The end point – Dobó tér (Dobó Square) in Eger – is to be reached on Saturday, January 24.


Photo: archives