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EUFOR Conducts Mine Risk Education Course in Camp Butmir

Szöveg: |  2016. április 2. 6:07

28 April 2016 saw the start of a week-long EUFOR course, in Camp Butmir, on Mine Risk Education (MRE).
Delivered by EUFOR’s Mine Information and Co-ordination Cell (MICC), in cooperation with the BH Mine Action Centre (BHMAC) and the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) ‘Stop Mines’ the 23 students came from all parts of BiH to attend. They included men and women, military and civilian, ranging from EUFOR Liaison and Observation Team (LOT) House personnel to soldiers of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AFBiH) and NGOs.


The course is part of EUFOR’s programme to deliver MRE to address the mine risk faced by so many of BiH’s population. Delivered in 5 separate modules, the course considered: International and National mine action standards; knowledge about anti- tank, anti-personnel and Unexploded Ordinance (UXO); map reading skills; presentation and communication skills; and approaches on how to better liaise with shareholders and NGOs. All students had a common desire to improve their knowledge of the mine risks in BiH, and improve their ability to better present MRE to the population of BiH – especially young people and children through presentations delivered in BiH Schools.

One of the EUFOR MICC lead instructors was Mrs Dzejna SKOPLJAK. She stated that: “EUFOR trained 18,665 men, women and children of the BiH population through its MRE Program in 2015". The MICC continues to form an essential part of the EUFOR Mission and has a clear focus on addressing this long term challenge. The MRE programme also remains an essential part of the EUFOR Mission’s Capability Building & Training (CB&T) mandated objective.


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