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Face to Face with Chemical Warfare Agents

Szöveg: |  2017. július 13. 9:00

Together with personnel from three other units, the soldiers of the HDF 93rd Petőfi Sándor CBRN Defence Battalion recently conducted exercise “Sáraranymező 2017” (Pure Golden Field 2017) with the use of chemical warfare agents (CWA) at the CBRN Training and Testing Centre near Zemianske Kostol’any, Slovakia.


Besides the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) recce troops of the HDF 93rd Petőfi Sándor CBRN Defence Battalion, the exercise also involved designated soldiers from the chemical engineer and chemical technician personnel of the laboratories operating under the HDF Görgei Artúr CBRN Area Control Centre, as well as experts from the HDF 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base and the HDF 12th Arrabona Surface-to-Air Missile Regiment.


The training audience used the CBRN recce equipment in service to practice detection and identification procedures. Another important objective of the exercise was the psychological preparation of soldiers by providing them with opportunity to experience the protective capacity of the MOPP and the gas mask, and the efficiency of the devices during the execution of tasks with the use of live CWA.