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Grenade by the fence of a home for the elderly

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2010. július 22. 6:51

In week 28, that is between July 12–18, the HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Battalion received 33 calls. In 15 cases the specialists had to take immediate action because explosive devices were directly threatening human life.

Cpl. Edina Hadházi, a colleague with the reconnaissance unit of the corps told that this year, EOD specialists have received 1,193 calls to date.

On July 12, they received a call from Esztergom, saying that a world war explosive device had been found by the fence of a home for the elderly in Hajnal Street. The patrol, led by Sgt.1st Class László Martin, found a 75 mm German armour-piercing grenade on the site, which was annihilated in a designated area nearby.

On July 13, the EOD corps of the Hungarian Defence Forces were busy in the 21st district of the capital, in Tanácsház Street. The caller said a world war explosive device had been found at the main entrance of Csepel Works. It was a 85 mm Soviet anti-aircraft fragmentation grenade, which was taken to the central collection point by the EOD patrol led by Staff Sgt. János Érsek.

The EOD corps received a call from Narda, Vas county the same day. Passers-by had found an explosive device, supposedly from WWII, by the entrance of the cemetery in Kossuth Lajos Street.

The EOD patrol led by János Érsek found that it was a type F1 hand grenade but they could not investigate how it got to the entrance of the graveyard. The grenade was annihilated by the EOD specialists in a designated area near Narda.

On July 14, a 75 mm German fragmentation grenade was found in Seregélyes, Fejér county, while digging a drainage ditch in Bocskai Street. The dangerous device was destroyed by a patrol led by Staff Sgt. Henrik Kiss.

On July 15, a world war explosive device was found in Csány, Heves county, during construction works in Ady Endre Street. The EOD patrol led by Sgt.1st Class Tibor Janoczkó found that the 75 mm armour-piercing grenade was ’empty’, in other words, it did not contain explosive materials. The harmless world war device was removed by the EOD team.

On July 16, the HDF’s EOD specialists had to go to Mór, Fejér county, for a 150 mm German high explosive grenade was found at an open construction in Csókakõi Road. The WWII grenade was annihilated in a designated area near Mór by a patrol led by Staff Sgt. Imre Gerencsér.

On July 18, EOD specialists received a phone call from Tápiószentmárton, Pest county, saying that a world war explosive device had been found in an open garden of one of the detached houses in Tavasz Street. The patrol led by Staff Sgt. Ferenc Kelemen found that it was a bomb made from a 82 mm grenade body, which was transported to the central collection point.
