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Who we are working with

Szöveg: Zsolt Turzai |  2010. július 22. 6:49

Pursuant to the decision of the Hungarian Parliament, the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team began its mission in June 2006, under the command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Regional Command-North (RCN). Besides the Ministry of Defence, other ministries also actively contribute to the work of the HDF PRT.

As members of government committees, the agriculture, internal security, education, and the foreign affairs portfolio also take part in the coordination, planning and implementation of tasks. In the course of performing a wide spectrum of duties, the HDF PRT works in close cooperation with NGOs present in Afghanistan (for example the Hungarian Interchurch Aid or the Hungarian Baptist Aid). On international level, the Hungarian party carries out its tasks together with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Hungarian policemen with the European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL), the Provincial Development Council and last but not least, US aid agency USAID. But what is this USAID? What is its main profile, how does it work, how does it cooperate with the HDF PRT? The government of the United States of America, together with NATO and its international partners, united their forces and resources to support the Afghan government, reconstruct Afghanistan and fight against terrorism. As part of this joint effort, USAID helps the Afghan nation so that they can build their future. In the framework of infrastructural developments, the aid agency has participated and still participates in the funding of road and bridge construction, electricity network development and the modernisation of potable water supply, thereby contributing to economic development in the region.

To support the administration, USAID has organised trainings for the management, human resources and financial sectors. They participate in the training of judges and lawyers, and help the work of the media. Since the pillars of national development are education and health care, USAID does a serious amount of work in these two highly important areas. During the Taliban government, only 900,000 children in the entire country, all boys, were given the opportunity to learn. Today this number exceeds 6 million, including boys and girls alike – thanks to USAID for the most part. They have participated in the construction of institutions as well as the renovation and refurbishment of schools. For today, more than 680 school constructions can be linked to the name of the organisation. The number of school publications, books and exercise books printed by USAID exceeds 60 million. 170,000 students attend secondary school or college, and the fact that half the students are female is also a success. As regards the medical condition of Afghan people, it is one of the worst in the world: high infant and child mortality rates, poor medical care, or the general lack of vaccines for instance determine the not too high average life expectancy of people. The construction and equipment of institutions providing basic and advanced medical care are among USAID’s priority projects. Similarly to the ’Cash for work’ program aimed at job creation, which gives Afghan people a livelihood and at the same time, facilitates economic recovery by providing a firm support in finding fields in economy where they can make a breakthrough. The development of food production, light industry and construction industry is an integral part of this.


In Baghlan province, the HDF PRT’s area of responsibility, Alyson Mcfarland is the USAID representative responsible for developments and coordination. As a representative of the US administration, she plans and implements the aforementioned development efforts and programs together with every participant present in the Baghlan operational area. The cooperation with the representative has produced extremely good results for the people of Baghlan. She lives and works with Hungarian troops in Camp Pannonia, she is an active participant in development consultations. The representative coordinates with the HDF PRT command and CIMIC team on a daily basis on the implementation of necessary investments, projects. With her help, international actors can achieve remarkable results in every field of development, from the utilisation of resources won by tendering, to finding possible contractors.

To sum up, the contribution of the aid agency to economic recovery is an essential element of creating stability in the region. Its humanitarian programs have given thousands of destitute people food, drinking water, tents, blankets. For its efforts made for Afghanistan and its achievements, American aid agency USAID is deservedly noted as one of the major actors in the country.