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NATO Military Committee Conference in Poland

Szöveg: HDF General Staff |  2018. szeptember 30. 15:08

NATO’s highest-level military authority, the Military Committee (MC) met in Warsaw on Saturday. The chiefs of defence (CHODs) meet once a year in such an off-site format to discuss NATO’s priority strategic issues. Hungary was represented by the Chief of the HDF General Staff, Lieutenant General Ferenc Korom in the event.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee led the meeting. The conference was attended by General Curtis M. Scaparotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), and General André Lanata, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) as well as by General Austin Scott Miller, the new commander of NATO’s Resolute Support Mission (RSM) in Afghanistan.

The CHODs received detailed briefing on the security and operational issues affecting the Alliance, and reinforced their commitment towards the operations in the Western Balkans (KFOR) and in Afghanistan (RSM), and many of them offered further contributions to augment the staffing level. They stressed the importance of STRATCOM and the broad-spectrum social approach in order to achieve lasting peace. The military leaders discussed the military proposals prepared for the Political Guidance 2019 (PG19), and provided further recommendations on the NATO Military Strategy to be prepared until mid-2019, they underscored the need of considering the major conclusions of the documents, the Strategic Foresight Analysis (SFA) and the Future Framework for Alliance Operations (FFAO), drawn up by the ACT with a view to identify the challenges facing the Alliance.

In the section on reinforcement, readiness initiative, military mobility, the CHODs supported NATO’s new Readiness Initiative (NRI), and the SACEUR’s conception presented about the reinforcement and his long-term commitment plan (LTCP). The highest military leaders of the Alliance finally adopted the report on NATO’s Command Structure (NCS) and the functional supervision of NATO Centre.

In his contribution Lieutenant General Ferenc Korom confirmed the Hungarian contributions for the operations of the Alliance, highlighting that we will go on with the financial support of the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF) up to 2024. He drew attention to the Stoltenberg-Tusk-Juncker NATO-EU Joint Declaration, which set force proposals for the co-operation in several areas, among others in the field of illegal migration. As he said, Hungary supports the Alliance’s reinforcement concept and the goals of the LTCP. Lieutenant General Korom announced that the ACT SFA/FFAO working group’s next session will be held in Hungary, in the National University of Public Service (NUPS) from 6 to 8 November this year. Finally, he underscored our commitment towards the augmentation of the staffing level of NCS and the execution of the ongoing functional review of the NATO Headquarters.