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Tamás Vargha: Illegal Migration Increases Terrorist Threat

Szöveg: |  2018. február 15. 14:14

Speaking after a two-day meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Brussels on Thursday, 15 February, Deputy Defence Minister Tamás Vargha, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence stated that it is in everyone’s interest that there should be peace in the sending countries of illegal migration, because illegal migration increases the threat of terrorism.

The State Secretary said that Hungary is an island of peace, as the country ranks among the most secure ones in Europe. He underlined that, with the protection of the border, the Hungarian Defence Forces and the police are doing their best to guarantee that this state of affairs will continue.

In connection with migration, Tamás Vargha pointed out that NATO’s decision made on Thursday to expand its military training mission in Iraq will help create order and peace in that country as soon as possible. As he said, at the end of last year Hungary made a decision to increase the strength of its Iraq contingent to 200. Considering the troop level ratios in NATO missions, its 1000-strong contribution in the Western Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan gives prominence to Hungary among other member countries.


The State Secretary also said that Hungary had earlier used its veto right to block the NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting at the level of defence ministers, so this session was cancelled at the two-day meeting of Defence Ministers in Brussels. Tamás Vargha also stated that Ukraine’s Education Act goes against every principle and commitment. Hungary will not change its standpoint until this Act remains unchanged. He made it clear that as long as no guarantees are given that the Education Act will be amended to make sure that it does not affect adversely the Hungarian minority in Ukraine, Hungary will not support any negotiations with Ukraine in NATO or the European Union.

The Ukrainian side had earlier promised to take account of Hungary’s standpoint and make steps accordingly, but no significant progress has so far been made in this regard, the minister added.
