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The Ambassador of Georgia was received by the Minister of Defence

Szöveg: Ministry of Defence |  2019. január 18. 15:20

Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő received Ambassador H.E. Mr. Zaal Gogsadze in his office at a courtesy and introductory visit on Friday, 18th January.

In the meeting the Minister underlined that Hungary has consistently supported Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration efforts since the very beginning. He said that the country’s efforts and progress in this respect are praiseworthy. Tibor Benkő added that Georgia is a priority partner of Hungary in the South Caucasus region.

The Minister also drew attention to the fact that in addition to maintaining high-level political dialogue, the strengthening of relationships is possible with further enlarging the elements of the practical co-operation. Accordingly, the Hungarian Defence Forces wishes to promote the strengthening of relationships in the framework of bilateral co-operation, too.

During the talks both parties agreed that the military-to-military co-operation of the two countries may build closer relationship between Georgia and Hungary.

Photos of WO Lajos Szabó