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HDF is to increase Hungarian contribution to Kosovo mission by 160 troops

Szöveg: / MTI |  2013. december 24. 6:02

The Hungarian Defence Forces would increase the Hungarian contribution to the Kosovo mission of NATO by 160 troops, Defence Minister Mr Csaba Hende said to the Hungarian news agency in Pristina, Kosovo, on Friday, 13th December.

According to the Minister of Defence the reinforcement of the Hungarian contingent is requested by both NATO and the Kosovo authorities since France and Morocco are going to reduce their military forces in the near future.

On the second day of his Western Balkans tour Mr Hende paid a visit to the Hungarian contingent in Pristina. Similarly to the schedule of the previous day in Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Hende participated at the staff meeting ceremony of the Hungarian troops where Christmas presents and messages were forwarded to the service people from their families, friends and acquaintances.


Minister of Defence Mr Csaba Hende delivers speech at the staff meeting ceremony, visiting the Hungarian troops in the Kosovo contingent of the HDF in Camp Slim Lines, Pristina

„The stability of Kosovo is in our national interest since this country is very close to Hungary and because of the ethnic Hungarians living is the region" Mr Hende pointed out in his interview. In his opinion an increased Hungarian involvement in guaranteeing the peaceful coexistence of Serbs and Albanians will most probably have a positive impact on Serbian-Hungarian coexistence too. Currently the government is considering whether to redeploy a part of the Hungarian forces in Kosovo, available after their withdrawal from Afghanistan and due to the force reduction. The decision is to be made in the weeks or months to come, then the preparation of the troops will follow and the forces may be deployed next year, the Minister said. He added “Hungary is likely to deploy a manoeuvre company in Northern Kosovo", where the Serbian population, in minority in Kosovo, comprise ethnic majority. This is the region where the efforts of the international community should be stepped up in order to preserve peace, the minister emphasised.

Hungary has been involved in the NATO-led Multinational Peacekeeping Force (KFOR), tasked with preventing new outbreaks of hostilities between Kosovo Serbs and Albanians, the enforcement of the ceasefire agreement, the defence of Serbian enclaves, and the support to the establishment of Kosovo security sector since the beginnings in 1999.


A serviceman with the presents in his hands, handed over by Minister of Defence Mr Csaba Hende during his visit to the Hungarian troops in the HDF Kosovo contingent in Camp Slim Lines in Pristina

The current commander of the Hungarian contingent Lieutenant Colonel Attila Kovács told the Hungarian news agency that currently more than 200 Hungarian troops serve in Pristina. They are tasked mostly with patrolling, security missions, VIP-escort but the unit can be deployed in any mission. The threat level for KFOR troops in the country is low but it is medium in Kosovska Mitrovica in the north. Hungarian soldiers have taken part in securing the local elections in Mitrovica this year, luckily with no incidents or atrocities. According to the commander a tiny incident would be enough to spark tensions and deteriorate the relations between the Serbian and Albanian communities. At the same time the population accepts and likes KFOR troops and “both parties regard them as peacemakers", the Lieutenant Colonel emphasised.

Photos by Szilárd Koszticsák (MTI)