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High-Ranking Guest Visits Szentendre

Szöveg: Sgt. Zsuzsanna Kovács |  2012. november 24. 12:56

On November 15 CSM M. Rodger Jones, the Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the United States Ohio National Guard (ONG) paid a visit to the HDF NCO Academy in Szentendre.

The American guest arrived in Hungary as a member of the commander’s delegation of the Ohio National Guard. As it is known, the Hungarian Defence Forces have been cooperating with the Ohio National Guard within the State Partnership Program (SPP) since Hungary’s accession to NATO, and are operating a combined training mission in Afghanistan as well.


CSM Jones arrived at the Szentendre barracks in the company of WO1 István Kriston, the Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Brig.-Gen. Gábor Horváth, the commandant of the HDF NCO Academy and WO2 Zoltán Sashalmi, the command sergeant major of the unit welcomed them in the barracks. The aims of his visit were to gain first-hand knowledge of the HDF NCO Academy and the NCO training conducted here, as well as to exchange experiences.

CSM Jones visited the museum devoted to the history of NCO training in Hungary in the Community Center of the unit. As a kind surprise, by a happy coincidence, the guest was able to watch a group dance display by the corporals about to graduate from the basic NCO course of the Kinizsi Pál NCO Training Branch. The students gave the performance in honor of their instructors as a token of their gratitude. During the discussions, the command sergeant majors in their respective presentations introduced the systems and characteristics of the NCO training conducted in Ohio State and Hungary.


In the morning hours the American guest went to the Csobánka base of the HDF NCO Academy where he was given an insight into the tactical training sessions of the enlisted personnel.

As he wrote in the visitors’ book of the museum of the HDF NCO Academy, the command sergeant major found his visit to Szentendre to be interesting and useful at the same time. Since he has been to Hungary for the first time, he is planning to make several tours to our country in the near future.

Photos by the author