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Hungarian General Decorated in Sarajevo

Szöveg: |  2013. június 16. 12:10

On June 5 Brig.-Gen. Walt Lord, the commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo (NHQ Sa) presented Chief of Staff EUFOR Brig.-Gen. József Szpisják with the Meritorious Service Medal awarded by the Governor of Pennsylvania (USA).

The participants of the award ceremony included more than 150 generals, officers and NCOs from the armed forces of Bosnia-Herzegovina and from the staffs of NHQ Sa and the EUFOR HQ.

After pinning the medal, Brig.-Gen. Lord praised Brig.-Gen. Szpisják’s professional activity, and his pro-active, engaging leadership style, through which, as Chief of Staff EUFOR, he has contributed to establishing much closer ties with the NHQ Sa and to maintaining a safe and secure environment in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


Photo: EUFOR