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Hungarians in Peacekeeping

Szöveg: Kiss Zoltán |  2011. november 13. 13:45

In the first part of the book, the author gives an overview of the history of peacekeeping activity dating back to the 19th century, which has undergone great changes and made huge progress until today. The participation of the Hungarian Defence Forces in these tasks and missions gained recognition not only for the military organisations, but also for the Republic of Hungary. Our soldiers serve the peace and security of the world, help the needy and suffering people, and thereby strive to make the world a better place. They perform their voluntarily undertaken service bravely and selflessly, ready to sacrifice the most precious, their own life, if required. A significant part of the Hungarian Defence Forces is currently performing duties in different crisis response operations of the UN, the OSCE, NATO, and the EU in the Balkans, in Afghanistan and in Iraq. In this book, the author publishes the results of a military sociological survey conducted in the recent past with varied research-methodological techniques.

Year of publish: 2011
Language: Hungarian
Number of pages: 256
Size: 165×235 mm
Binding: sewn, hardcover
Series: Soldiers in Peace and Missions
ISBN: ISBN 978 963 327 511 5
Price: 18 USD + delivery fee
Stock: You can buy the book directly from the publisher: Postal address: 1087 Hungary, Budapest, Kerepesi út 29/b, Fax: 06-1-459-5382, Points of contact: Edina Győr: +36-30-578-1048, [email protected]; Cynthia Bartha: +36-30-633-0619, [email protected]