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Key Leader Training at EUFOR HQ in Sarajevo

Szöveg: Dr. Dezső Hajós |  2015. július 7. 3:31

A five-day key leader training course was recently held at the EUFOR HQ in Sarajevo, with the participation of personnel nominated for key leader staff positions.


Brig.-Gen. Zoltán Mihócza, EUFOR Chief of Staff opened the course, and then the participants of the well-organized program were introduced to the workings and organizational structure of those organizational elements that are expected to play a significant role in their planned position.


The course attendees visited a memorial place for the victims of the Srebrenica massacre, where they paid tribute and placed the flowers of remembrance, which symbolizes the close to 20 years of EUFOR’s mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


At the closing event of the training, Brig.-Gen. Mihócza presented the course certificates to the participants in the hope that while carrying out their duties, they can use what they have learned during the course.


Photo: EUFOR