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Medal Parade in Afghanistan

Szöveg: |  2016. február 14. 11:12

The soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces currently serving in individual positions in Afghanistan are nearing the completion of their tour of duty.

A Chief of Staff Change of Responsibility Ceremony was recently held at the Train, Advise, Assist Command – North (TAAC-N) in Afghanistan. The event was coupled with a medal parade for soldiers who are serving in individual positions at the TAAC-N Headquarters and are about to complete their tour of duty in the foreign mission.


Thirty-eight soldiers received the NATO medals at the ceremony, including five Hungarian soldiers serving in individual positions. The Hungarians will soon finish their six-month and 12-month deployments abroad.

Speaking at the ceremony, outgoing Chief of Staff Col. Jared Sembritzki thanked the decorated soldiers for their excellent work, wishing the entire personnel further successes and a safe return home.


The event concluded with a speech delivered by TAAC-N Commander Brig.-Gen. Hartmut Renk, who also thanked the servicemembers for their work.