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Medal Parade in Sarajevo

Szöveg: First Lieutenant Milán Mór Markovics |  2013. december 5. 9:00

Approaching the end of their half-a-year mission, the Command of the thirteenth Rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent performing their tour of duty in Sarajevo, the support element of the Contingent, the soldiers of the EOD group subordinated to the EUFOR Commander, along with the service members of the other seven nations, have been awarded the ALTHEA-medals with all due solemnity on Tuesday, November 26.


Major General Dieter Heidecker and Brigadier General József Szpisják

In his speech held on the medal parade, EUFOR Commander (COM EUFOR) Major General Dieter Heidecker highlighted the importance of the mission, and thanked the Hungarian soldiers for their half-year service. He emphasized that though the task has not been not easy, but those who undertook it, contributed to peace.

EUFOR Chief of Staff (COS EUFOR) Brigadier General József Szpisják, Senior National Representative (SNR) pinned the medals on the jacket of the Hungarian soldiers, while saying personal words of acknowledgement.


Brigadier General József Szpisják pinned the medals on the jacket of the Hungarian soldiers

Photos by Corporal Péter Csóti