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“Military Heptathlon” in Cyprus

Szöveg: Lt.-Col. (Eng.) Péter Lukács |  2011. december 18. 11:16

The UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) organized a “military heptathlon” in Cyprus in the last days of November. The Slovak, Hungarian, Serb and Croatian troops formed two multinational teams to enter the “Military Skills Competition”; team “A” was placed first, while team “B” came in seventh.

Of the Hungarian contingent, 1st Lt. István Boros, SFC Nóra Megyesi, S/Sgt. L/Sgt. Mátyás Hegedűs and L/Cpl. Balázs Pánczél participated in the contest.

The competition started in the early morning hours with the so-called “Endurance March" with a view to testing the competitors’ stamina, who had to run a distance of 4.6 kilometers with full marching gears, to push a pick-up over 100 meters and carry a log across a one kilometer section.

The stations included live firing, obstacle course, operational situation practice, map reading and the identification of the military equipment of the opposing forces in Cyprus, special driving practice and an extraordinary task, in which participants had to lead one team member across a “minefield".