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Minister of defence in Afghanistan

Szöveg: |  2010. június 17. 6:37

Dr. Csaba Hende, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Hungary has arrived to Afghanistan today. As he promised earlier, the minister is now inquiring on site about the living and working conditions, supplies and safety of Hungarian troops serving in the mission. 

The delegation led by the defence minister has arrived to the HDF PRT camp in Pol-e Khomri, where the PRT commander informed Dr. Csaba Hende about the activity and current tasks of Hungarian troops. Today he will also meet Monji Abdul Majid, the Governor of Baghlan province. Following their meeting the minister will be shown around the Hungarian camp – says the press release of the MoD.

In the evening meeting the members of the PRT will have the opportunity to share their experiences in the framework of an informal discussion. The defence minister will probably meet and have talks with Abdul Rahim Wardak, the Afghan Defence Secretary, and General Stanley McChrystal, ISAF Commander.

Hungary has been participating in the NATO mission to Afghanistan since 2003. At present more than 360 soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces are serving in ISAF operations. For more information about the troops’ activities, read our reports on the Afghanistan mission.