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Minutes Of Excitement And Joy

Szöveg: |  2008. május 5. 6:44

As we have reported earlier, all four young volunteers will have the opportunity to accompany Minister of Defence Dr. Imre Szekeres to his visit to Afghanistan, due in the near future. The two ladies and the two young men learned in Radio Sláger’s morning entertainment show titled ‘Boomerang’ that all of them are on the passenger list of the airplane to take off for the Asian country, and they have shared their joy with

The two winners from Miskolc, Ms Erika Babinszki and Mr József Hermeczi were in a car heading home when we reached them.

To be honest, Erika still couldn’t comprehend that she has made it, and she can go. As she has told us, she felt fantastic when she heard her name, which was mentioned by the Minister of Defence in the first place. Erika has always trusted she would have the opportunity to go to Afghanistan, and this is exactly why she had applied for the competition announced by the Boros–Bochkor duo.

“My family was very happy for me, they have ‘bombed’ me with text messages almost immediately after the announcement. Everybody wished us a safe trip to Afghanistan, and a safe and sound return. I am aware that it will be dangerous abroad, but I can hardly wait for the day to come" — said Erika, who also told us that she must buy one or two shawls before the trip, because she didn’t have a chance to get any so far.

József, too, believes it is incomprehensible that he could win in the competition of the radio station and he will travel to Afghanistan.

“When I heard my name I felt very relieved and a bit sad at the same time, because Zoltán and I became good friends in the last few weeks and I thought he cannot join us. But — luckily enough — the Minister carried on with the list and we soon realized that all four of us can go" — recalls József the events taking place in the studio. He also adds that in the period until the takeoff he has to complete every assignment in both his jobs, which makes the coming days quite busy for him. And obviously, he has to go shopping, as well.

“My sweetheart started to cry when she learned that I will leave, but my parents stayed calm when they heard the news. It will be an experience of a lifetime, it is for sure. We will fly a military airplane, heading for a military base, and what is more, one in Afghanistan. From these three things there is not a single one I could have realized on my own in the near future" – confesses the young man.

Mr Zoltán Szabó, who lives near the town of Székesfehérvár, lost heart a bit in the studio when his name was not mentioned in the first round. With a real sportsman-like gesture he immediately shook István’s hand, but the Minister continued with the list — Zoltán couldn’t believe his ears for a while.

“I felt very relieved when I learned that all four of us will go abroad" – said the young man when we were inquiring about his feelings. He, too, has loads to do until departure. All of them were sent a list in e-mail by the Communications and Recruitment Department of the Ministry of Defence, detailing what they must and mustn’t bring along. Zoltán was in a pharmacy to purchase various disinfectants and pills for the trip when we called him, but still there are many things left on his shopping list.


Due to some tight deadlines at work, Ms Mariann Puskás from Karcag was the only one who couldn’t turn up in the studio when Dr. Imre Szekeres has made his decision. She was in her workplace and listened to the names of the future travellers on the phone with great excitement. Apparently she felt a bit disappointed in the first moment, because the names of Erika and József were mentioned first. Much to her happiness, later she found out that the only reason behind this was the fact that the Minister read the volunteers’ names in alphabetical order.

“I was and I am still very happy. To tell you the truth I was struggling with tears when I heard the good news" — says Mariann who also tells us that her mother had predicted the evening before the decision was made that all four of them would travel. Back then she didn’t believe her, but now she’s very happy that her mother was eventually right. Nevertheless, Mariann’s parents were worried about her, until the training at Szolnok made them realize that the adventurous young woman will be protected by professional soldiers in Afghanistan. Of course, they are still not fully relaxed, but in spite of this they are happy for their daughter to participate in the biggest adventure of her life.

The four young people who have volunteered for the trip have a dinner invitation for tonight. Minister Imre Szekeres and the two hosts, Mr Gábor Bochkor and Mr Lajos Boros, too, will attend the event. Presumably the team to set off for Afghanistan will be given a lot of important information regarding their trip.