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NATO and Partners determined to continue supporting the financial sustainment of the Afghan Security Forces

Szöveg: / |  2016. május 15. 11:12

NATO Allies and Partners together with representatives of the donors’ community reaffirmed their commitment to continue supporting the financial sustainment of the Afghan security forces, at the plenary meeting of the Afghan National Army Trust Fund Board, today (Wednesday 11 May 2016).
Participants also discussed the ongoing coordination in Afghanistan between the Afghan authorities and the various funding streams, including the Afghan National Army Trust Fund itself, the Law and Order Trust Fund for the Afghan Police, the budgetary contributions of the Afghan Government, and the bilateral contributions, especially the bilateral Afghan Security Forces Fund of the United States.

The adapted Afghan National Army Trust Fund is NATO’s response to the International Community’s commitment in the framework of the 2012 Chicago Summit to continue to support the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in its efforts to sustain sufficient and capable National Defence and Security Forces. “The Afghan National Army Trust Fund has been an important part of NATO’s contribution to this endeavour," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said. Today’s meeting was “an important stepping stone towards the NATO Warsaw Summit in July, as well as the EU Development Conference in October. Both meetings are connected as security and development are two sides of the same coin," Mr. Stoltenberg said.


During the meeting announcements were made of continued financial support for the sustainment of the Afghan security forces up to 2020. “I am confident that we will be in a position to announce at the Warsaw Summit, that we have firm commitments to support the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces for the period up to 2020," NATO Secretary General highlighted. In December last year, NATO and Resolute Support Partner Foreign Ministers agreed to work towards national decisions to be announced at, or prior to, the Warsaw Summit confirming financial commitments to support the Afghan security forces until 2020.

The Afghan National Army Trust Fund board is composed of national representatives of donor nations and the Trust Fund manager (represented by the United States). NATO Secretary General and a donor nation representative co-chair the Board. Plenary meeting of the Board were held on 1 September 2014 and 26 June 2015. Mr. Zia Haleemi, Director General of Budget of the Afghan Ministry of Finance took part in today’s meeting.