On-Site Training
Szöveg: Capt. László Juhász | 2012. március 9. 10:26Col. (Eng.) József Nyers, – the commander of the HDF 37th ‘Ferenc Rákóczi II’ Engineer Regiment and the incoming commander of the fifth rotation of the HDF National Support Element – Afghanistan (HUN NSE) recently participated in an on-site mission-specific training in Afghanistan, together with Lt.-Col. (Eng.) Róbert Zsiborás, the chief of the support section and the logistic chief of the HDF 64th ‘Boconádi Szabó József’ Logistic Regiment and Maj. Csaba Mellák, the point-of-contact officer of the HDF Joint Force Command Operations Command Directorate.
In the second half of the training, the participants were informed in detail about the duties assigned to the TOE positions of the HUN NSE – Afghanistan. Lt.-Col. József Molnár, the head of the support section briefed them on the structure of strategic and in-theatre transportation, the schedule of relief and rest periods, the logistic support, the status of combat and motor vehicles, the process of materiel supply and the contracts currently in force.
At the end of the visit, Col. József Nyers said that the National Support Element is a “strategic bridge" between the HDF Joint Force Command and the contingents in Afghanistan.
Photo: HUN NSE