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Psychological Operations For Increased Security

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2009. július 29. 6:38

How can the battle motivations of the enemy or the potentially hostile target group be weakened, and how can the willingness to cooperate be increased towards the friendly target group? How can the support of the non-aligned or unsure target group be won? Well, this is what PSYOPS, that is planned psychological operations are about. 

"Planned psychological operations that are targeted to hostile and neutral audiences in times of peace, crisis and war, and the aim of which is to influence the spiritual attitude, behaviour and conduct of the target group(s) that have an impact on reaching political and military objectives" – this is how a NATO doctrine defines the concept of PSYOPS (Psychological Operations).

CIMIC–PSYOPS in one headquarters

The psychological operational activity is one of the newest capabilities of the Hungarian Defence Forces, it has been present in the military only since 2004. This type of work is done at the HDF Civilian–Military Cooperation and Psychological Operations Center (MH Civil-Katonai Együttmûködési és Lélektani Mûveleti Központ, MH CKELMK), located in the Pál Maléter Barracks in Zách Street in the capital.


In 2000, as a NATO military development target our country had undertaken to establish the civilian-military cooperation capability, CIMIC, which is a must in every 21st century military. CIMIC is the cooperation of civilians and the military, that is coordination and cooperation of governmental and non-governmental organizations on the military and the civilian side, national authorities, international organizations, and the local population, for the sake of successful mission accomplishment – says Lieutenant Colonel Gábor Boldizsár, Commander of MH CKELMK.

Sitting in the commander’s office in the center I am also told that following the establishment of the HDF Center for Civilian–Military Cooperation (MH Civil–Katonai Együttmûködési Központ, CKEK) in October 2003, the idea of developing the psychological operational capability also came up soon. The PSYOPS activity has been included as a new item in the field of activities of the Hungarian Defence Forces and since 1 August, 2004 CKEK has been operating under the name HDF Civilian–Military Cooperation and Psychological Operations Center (MH Civil-Katonai Együttmûködési és Lélektani Mûveleti Központ).

There was a purpose behind the merger of the two activities, for one of the main tasks of PSYOPS is to ‘publicize’ everything the CIMIC is doing during a project in the area of military operations – says Lt.Col. Boldizsár, who also tells me that PSYOPS are practially nothing else but a special field of applied psychology. Since changing the attitude of people is fundamentally the task of psychology.

Black, grey, white

The scientific literature divides the PSYOPS activity into three parts. There is the so-called ’black’ PSYOPS the typical feature of which is ’smearing’ information and its source. In the case of ’grey’ PSYOPS the only thing that is not obvious for the target audience is the source of the message, for the information itself is valid. When ’white’ PSYOPS is used both the message and the source are valid.

The Hungarian Defence Forces use ’white’ psychological operations only – adds Lt.Col. Boldizsár –, in other words, a PSYOPS professional conveys only positive and unambiguous messages with a content that forges people together to the right target groups. ’Grey’ and ’black’ PSYOPS activities are mostly the much liked tools of the militaries of great powers and secret services. There were more than one examples for the use of this type of propaganda in the Iraq and in the Afghanistan wars.

– Hungarian troops can only use valid information in the course of psychological operations in theaters of operations. Since discrediting or causing turmoil is not our aim. Our most important principle is that what we do and what we say should be in synchrony – says the commander of the MH CKELMK, who then speaks about the two PSYOPS activities that are currently carried out by Hungarian soldiers in two locations beyond the borders of the country.

One of them is Kosovo; in the HDF KFOR Battalion stationed here there is an officer who is the expert of psychological operations. His task will soon change because the KFOR Command has decided to centralize the PSYOPS activity in Kosovo.

Activities in Afghanistan

On the other hand, in Afghanistan’s Baghlan province the PSYOPS activity also falls within the competence of the Hungarian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team. And these assignments are also a good opportunity for the personnel of the Center to gain experiences. For in Afghanistan there is a real need for ‘positive’ messages and persuasion, even to increase the security of the hundreds of Hungarian troops serving in the province – says Lt.Col. Boldizsár.

I am also told that in Afghanistan the CIMIC troops have been present since the beginning of the commitment, that is 2004, and the first PSYOPS professional started work in Pol-e Khumri in August 2006, when the first turn of the PRT arrived. At the moment there are 17 Hungarian CIMIC–PSYOPS groups serving in Afghanistan.

During military operations the PSYOPS have two kinds of activities. The first one is the so-called planned activity, when the necessary steps have to be taken in order to provide the right assistance for a task known in advance. For the sake of success, usually various prefabricated posters and other audiovisual products are used. This is what happened in 2006 for instance, when the first rotation of the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team arrived in Baghlan province. The CIMIC and PSYOPS professionals of the contingent immediately started to distribute the publications they had brought, introducing their technical equipments, and showing how a Hungarian solider looks like. A newer information booklet published later informs the Afghan people about how much the Hungarians have done for the reconstruction of the province, moreover it also has some photos of the country, emphasizing what is common or similar in the two nations. Namely that we are also a horse-riding nation the origin of which can also be traced back to the plains of Asia. In addition, there are also photos of Muslim architecture in Hungary, for example the mosque in Pécs or the minaret in Eger.


The other part of psychological operations is the response activity, in the course of which – obviously – reactions have to be given with PSYOPS methods to the problems and questions that arise. In Afghanistan the commander of the Hungarian PRT has several options for that – says Lt.Col. Boldizsár, who has also served in the Asian country as the deputy commander of the fifth rotation of the PRT, and before that he had served in peacekeeping missions in Mozambique and Kosovo –, there are rented billboards and the Hungarian soldiers have purchased spaces in three local papers, where they can respond to problematic questions. Besides that the commander of the PRT also informs the people fortnightly in the local television and radio about what the Hungarian soldiers have done to date for the peace and reconstruction of the province.

Beyond various peacekeeping missions, the CIMIC and PSYOPS professionals also have a number of tasks related to national defence – says the commander of the MH CKLEMK. To reinforce the designated forces, on the basis of the arrangement of the superiors, the center provides so-called module CIMIC and PSYOPS implementation and unit components. In case there is a need for them, in the course of national defence or crisis management these professional components are sent to the reinforced battalions and brigades, and continue to serve to achieve the goals of the unit commanders.

Creativity, communication, motivation

Who is a good PSYOPS professional? – I ask Lt.Col. Boldizsár. According to the commander, good communication skills are not enough, for an open mind, motivation, and creativity are also necessary, just like it is important for a soldier dealing with PSYOPS to know the professional methodologies and to educate himself or herself constantly. For they must know the environment – the culture, the written and unwritten laws – they will be serving in almost perfectly. This is why it is a great help for the personnel that there are already two qualified anthropologists working in the center. Their knowledge is a great help in the preparation of PSYOPS troops for a specific assignment. Until now, the presence of the experts dealing with anthropology, behavior research, customs, traditions, and social intercourse has been typical only in the militaries of countries with great PSYOPS traditions, for example the United States of America, Great Britain, or Germany.

Speaking about psychological operations we must not forget the counter-activity of PSYOPS, the so-called Counter PSYOPS – Lt.Col. Gábor Boldizsár adds –, for it is not only us that can conduct this kind of activity against our enemies or designated target groups, but they can also do the same. Therefore the Hungarian professionals also must be capable of handling these Counter PSYOPS operations.