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Searching for World War graves of Hungarian servicemen

Szöveg: Szabolcs Nyulas |  2014. január 23. 9:00

Teacher of the Department of Ethnography and Archaeology of the Institute of History and Political Science of the National University of Ukraine Igor Tarasovich Kochkin was awarded a decoration by Mr Csaba Hende in the Balaton Street premises of the Ministry of Defence on Tuesday, 14th January.

Mr Kochkin was awarded the civil order of the Hungarian Golden Cross by President of Republic Mr János Áder as an appreciation for his long-time, successful and devoted activities aimed at searching for Hungarian soldiers killed in action and for the proper commemoration of their memories.


The decoration was awarded to Igor Tarasovich Kochkin by President of Republic Mr János Áder

As it was said at the awarding ceremony the greatest deed of the Ukrainian professor was the research of the grave of legendary assault-artillery captain József Barankay, killed in action on 13th July 1944 buried at a previously unknown location. The Hungarian War Graves Commission regards the identification of the grave of captain Barankay, the exhumation of his remnants and their reburial in Hungarian soil as one of the most significant events of military piety.

As a representative of the official war graves commissions of Ukraine and Hungary Igor Tarasovich Kochkin has discovered and placed under legal protection nearly 100 burial places of Hungarian military personnel who died in Ukraine in two world wars. Six years ago with the professional exhumation of the remains of 16 Hungarian soldiers buried in the graveyard of the village church of Bukivna, Ivano-Frankivsk county, Mr Kochkin immediately deserved the professional appreciation of the Hungarian War Graves Commission.

“With the identification, registration and restoration of the Hungarian war graves in Ukraine Mr Kochkin provides immense help and assistance to the preservation of Hungarian military graves and the tribute to the victims", was said at the ceremony.

The award was presented by Minister of Defence Mr Csaba Hende.


For his long-time, successful and devoted activities for searching for Hungarian soldiers killed in action and for the proper immortalisation of their memories Mr Kochkin was awarded by Minister of Defence Mr Csaba Hende

Photos by Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky