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Service Awards For OMLT Troops

Szöveg: Lt. Levente Palotás |  2009. november 5. 8:00

Colonel László Szabó, the commander of the HDF PRT was invited to the formal personnel assembly of the Hungarian-led joint American-Hungarian Operational Mentor and Liaison Team. The Hungarian mentors take part in the preparation and training of one of the battalions of the Afghan National Army in Baghlan province. 

First the colonel handed over a gift plaquette to Lieutenant Colonel Szabolcs Sári, the commander of the OMLT, in the name of Major General Zoltán Orosz, the Chief of Staff of the HDF Joint Forces Command. The plaquette has been awarded by the HDF JFC chief of staff to the team for their excellent performance and diligent work carried out to date, but due to the busy schedule of the soldiers the general could not hand over the plaquette during his last visit so they received it from Colonel Szabó.


The Hungarian menors take part in the preparation and training of one of the battalions of the Afghan National Army in Baghlan province. In the camp of the battalion, in Khylaghay base they live together with the Afghans, spend all day with them, and help them in every area so that they can fulfil their tasks by themselves in the future. No wonder they don’t have much free time.

At the personnel assembly the other important duty of Colonel Szabó was – beyond passing on Major General Orosz’s words of recognition – to hand over the Service Sign for Merit, golden class, awarded by the defence minister, to Lieutenant Colonel Sári. The commander of the mentor team has earned the decoration with his outstanding performance and professional commitment shown in the course of his military career. Nothing else would prove the qualities of Lt.Col. Sári better than the appreciation of his soldiers, who reacted to the decoration of their commander with a frenetic applause.