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Soldiers from Győr on Multinational Exercise in Serbia

Szöveg: Lt. Attila Géczi |  2017. június 25. 10:31

A designated sub-unit of the 21st rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-21 HUNCON) under pre-deployment training is participating in a two-week multinational tactical exercise in Serbia between 10 and 24 June. Hungary is represented at the training event Platinum Wolf 2017 by the soldiers of the HDF 12th Arrabona Surface-to-Air Missile Regiment (Győr).


Organized by the armed forces of Serbia, Platinum Wolf 2017 is a multinational, armed field training exercise conducted by a combined task force in preparation for peace support operations. Its primary goal is to develop and enhance the partner nations’ deployability posture for a possible peace support operation.


Interoperability is greatly helped by the participation of more than 400 troops from nine countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the United States, the United Kingdom, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia besides the host nation and Hungary).


In the first week of the exercise the Hungarian soldiers conducted platoon- and company-level training events on land, which involved instructors as well and had the following main elements: combat life saver training, use of non-lethal weapons, crowd and riot control, virtual battlespace simulator, foot and vehicle patrol, live firing, search and recovery. In the second week of the exercise, based on a scenario prepared by the Serbs, the participating nations are to conduct a combined high-intensity exercise.


Most of the tasks was not new to the Győr soldiers, as they have already practiced them during the pre-deployment training of the EUFOR-21 HUNCON, and as a result, they performed them excellently. At the same time, Exercise Platinum Wolf 2017 gave the members of the sub-unit a great opportunity to enhance their level of readiness for the mission which is to start in Bosnia-Herzegovina in September.