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Starting the School Year in the Szolnok „Military School”

Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury |  2011. szeptember 7. 16:58

On September 1, the first bell of the school year rang in the branch institutions of the Szolnok Technical Secondary and Trade School. This secondary school is the first one in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County where the subject called “military basics” is to be introduced into the curriculum. The opening ceremony was attended by Brig.-Gen. István Szabó Kun, the commander of the HDF Support Brigade and Brig.-Gen. Imre Lamos, the commander of the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base.

On September 1 in the morning hours, the students of the Szolnok Technical Secondary and Trade School lined up to the music of the garrison band of Szolnok to start the 2011-2012 school year. The opening of the school year always has great significance, and the opening of the present one is a special milestone in the life of the institution. This is because on the one hand, several organizational changes were made during the recent period, while on the other this is the very first year when the students attending the institution are going to learn “military basics" among others. All in all, 63 students of two intensive regular classes have opted for this subject as of September. The HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base signed an agreement of cooperation with the Szolnok Technical Secondary and Trade School on August 18 within the framework of the “Military School" (KatonaSuli) program.

“Our young students are in quest of their national identity, which poses a growing number of pedagogical issues and tasks, therefore we intend to launch this innovative project to answer the needs and interests of the school, the parents and of course, above all, the students", Ferenc Gúth, the headmaster of the institution told us. “We regard the introduction of this subject into the curriculum all the more important because our school is the first one in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County to teach “military basics". Furthermore, the town of Szolnok is a traditional garrison town where a number of HDF units with considerable strength are stationed. For this reason and due to their family-related and other ties, many young people are interested in this attractive vocation."

In his speech opening the school year, the headmaster pointed out that there is already a quite serious demand for this novel form of education, so perhaps students from other secondary schools may also “cross-register" to the Szolnok institution.

“We owe the town this kind of course because Szolnok is the second-largest garrison town in Hungary after Budapest, and our school has the most students in the town", the headmaster added.

In reply to our question, Ferenc Gúth told us that the introduction of the subject has given the school a new profile and opportunity, which makes it even more attractive to parents and students alike.

“The students taking the subject will be the focus of special attention in the whole community of the school, so we are going to set them higher standards. In doing so, the students majoring in other subjects will pay special attention to them too, so that their example, conduct and discipline will have a positive impact on all students", the headmaster said.


 Photo: Gábor Galovtsik
