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Tenth Rotation Starts Working

Szöveg: Capt. Sándor Kisgyörgyi |  2016. február 20. 6:20

The tenth rotation of Hungarian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) recently started working in the country.

On 11 February, 1st Lt. Csaba Körmös completed his one-year tour of duty in Lebanon, so the last member of the 9th rotation returned home. The UNIFIL HQ marked this occasion with a meeting where Capt. Sándor Kisgyörgy, the chief of the UNIFIL Joint Geographic Information Services (JGIS) section – the Hungarian senior national officer – presented a memorial shield and a peacekeeping medal to 1st Lt. Körmös. Having served for more than 180 days in a UN-led mission, WO Miklós Rózsahegyi was also awarded a peacekeeping medal.

Hungarian peacekeepers have been serving on the staff of the UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura since November 2006. In early February this year, the tenth rotation started working at the HQ. The Hungarian military geographic information system (GIS) specialists are deployed on all missions and locations where the peacekeeping operations conducted in South Lebanon require geoinformation support.