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The Backbone and Supporting Pillar of the Hungarian Defence Forces

Szöveg: Vivien Takács |  2014. november 22. 6:03

Standardized institutional training started at the Royal Hungarian Veszprém–Jutas Honvéd NCO Training Institute ninety years ago, on November 15, 1924. The participants of the 3rd Honvéd NCO Gala Evening evoked the predecessors’ memory and stood by their heritage.


“NCO training in Hungary started at the Royal Hungarian Veszprém–Jutas Honvéd NCO Training Institute 90 years ago to the day" – these were the first words of welcome by Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz at the 3rd Honvéd NCO Gala Evening in the theatre hall of Stefánia Palace – Military Cultural Centre in the evening of Saturday, November 15. The Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff added that the Jutas NCOs were able to perform their duties by high standards because they were committed to their country, had outstanding professional knowledge and held their ground in social life and existence as well. They set an example to the public and to the members of the Hungarian Defence Forces, too.


In his speech, the lieutenant-general referred to the creed of the HDF NCO corps and the one-time Jutas NCOs, which is “Strong will defeats all difficulties, strong will comes from strong faith". The lieutenant-general noted that the only way the NCO corps can meet this requirement leads through continuous self-training and knowledge development. A good example is provided by the recently finished international week of the second Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Course in Szentendre. The lieutenant-general emphasized that the NCO corps is the backbone and supporting pillar of the whole organization of the Hungarian Defence Forces.


The gala evening opened with a “palotás" performed by dancers of the Honvéd Ensemble, and then the Honvéd Men’s Choir gave a dazzling performance. The evening was closed with the jointly sung NCO march.


Photos: László Tóth