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The Month of Conferences

Szöveg: |  2013. február 12. 9:03

The first month of the new year brought a lot of work for the Force Protection Group deployed at KAIA North in Afghanistan.

Due to the accelerating transition during which the forces participating in ISAF operations
are handing over security responsibilities to the Afghan National Army (ANA), the number
of conferences held in the camp also increased. In January, at least two conferences were
organized every week, which involved force protection tasks. This also means that in addition
to the Force Protection (FP) company, those serving in individual positions also joined the
phases of planning, organization and event security management. The conference topics cover the
whole of Afghanistan as a theatre of war, which belongs to the area of responsibility of the
ISAF Joint Command (IJC) stationed in the camp.


The so-called Fighting Season in Afghanistan lasts from April to December. During this
period, the insurgents are very active around the whole area of the country. The FP company
is tasked with manning the gates, checking persons and motor vehicles entering the camp,
providing guards to the watchtowers around the clock, patrolling in accordance with the
standard operating procedures in force, and guaranteeing the physical security of the
conferences organized in the area of the camp.

Preparations for a given conference can start weeks or often even a month before the event.
Besides the FP personnel, providing event security at the conferences involves the EOD dogs that check
the sites for explosives, the personnel of the International Military Police (IMP) which
are tasked with patrolling and detecting possible sources of danger, and the troops of the
Portuguese company as well.