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The Work of Hungarian EOD Experts Is Of Key Importance In Afghanistan As Well

Szöveg: Lt. Levente Palotás |  2010. január 4. 6:29

The EOD experts of the HDF PRT have had some busy days recently. Last week, in addition to their normal daily tasks, they were called twice to defuse and annihilate explosive devices which were found by the Afghan security forces in ISAF convoy routes.   

It is the duty of the 10-strong EOD unit serving in the Reconstruction Team, and the four explosive search dogs to ensure the safety of the base as regards explosive devices, and to check the helicopter landing ground. Their further responsibilities are to provide EOD control in external locations if necessary, regularly check the containers for the collection of explosive devices in the province, and clear the main routes used by the International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF). The Hungarian EOD experts had to go out twice in recent days because of the latter, since the Afghan security forces found explosive devices in the routes of the ISAF convoys.

In the first case the EOD experts came across a home-made controlled splinter explosive device not far from the center of the province, in a densely populated area, which was placed along the road by groups opposing the Afghan central administration and the international forces. Because of the urban area the EOD experts decided to defuse the bomb, and with the help of the ANDROS F6 EOD robot, they have successfully deactivated it.


A few days later local policemen reported a mine to the HDF PRT, which was placed along a road connecting two district centers, therefore the decontamination of this route was another urgent task for the EOD experts. Upon their arrival to the scene they identified the TC-6 anti-tank mine – with the help of the EOD robot –, which was protected against removal with a secondary explosive device, which means that the mine would have activated itself immediately not only under pressure but also if it were moved. Fortunately, it was possible to destroy the mine on the spot, therefore the troops closed down the area and blew up the mine in line with the security regulations.

In Afghanistan one of the main sources of danger for the troops of the international forces continue to be the heaps of explosive ordnance, mines and artillery ammunition left behind, and the so-called improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The job of the Hungarian EOD personnel – deactivation of mines, unexploded ammunition, and IEDs – continues to be a capability of key importance in the future too. They have state-of-the-art equipment, for example the ANDROS heavy EOD robot that makes it possible to deactivate an explosive device without risking human lives.
