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Twelfth Rotation Starts Working

Szöveg: Z. H. |  2017. november 10. 9:00

The first member from the 12th rotation of Hungarian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has recently arrived in the area of operations.

1st Lt. Tamás Eke’s arrival in Lebanon at the end of October marks the beginning of the tour of the 12th Hungarian rotation at the UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura.

1st Lt. Tamás Eke at the Beirut Airport (in the company of 1st Lt. Mihály Sándor and Lt.-Col. Zoltán Horváth)

1st Lt. Eke has taken over his position from 1st Lt. Mihály Sándor, who completed his tour of duty abroad in late October. Lt.-Col. Zoltán Horváth, Senior Staff Officer (SSO) JGIS and Officer-in-Charge Military (OIC MIL) at the UNIFIL Joint Geographic Information Service (JGIS) Section is to remain in the area of operations for another year as the senior national representative (SNR) of the 12th rotation.

During a farewell ceremony, Chief JGIS Beatrice Puyo awarded 1st Lt. Mihály Sándor a memorial shield before his return home.

1st Lt. Eke is a newcomer in Lebanon, as this is his first foreign mission. Two further members of the 12th Hungarian rotation of UNIFIL will arrive in the area of operations in the first week of February 2018.

1st Lt. Sándor receives the memorial shield

Since 2006, Hungarian mapping officers have been serving on the staff of the UNIFIL HQ Naqoura in annual rotations, where they provide GIS support for UNIFIL teams conducting peacekeeping operations in Southern Lebanon. Besides, they also participate in the Blue Line marking process between Lebanon and Israel.