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Waraba, Elou, Sigul…

Szöveg: Lt. Col. László Török |  2013. december 18. 8:45

After the “Lions” and the “Elephants”, the “Buffaloes” have also set off – the preparation of the 3rd Mixed Combat Group (GTIA) trained by the EUTM Mali mission has ended at Koulikoro military base.


The preparation of the 3rd Mixed Combat Group (GTIA) has ended at the Koulikoro Training Base

The young warriors of the battalion proved their combat readiness following an almost three-month lasting training in the exercise named “Doumba." During the final exercise they could practice for the first time the collaboration with the MINUSMA, the United Nations’ mission deployed in Mali, with whom they will have to secure jointly the sovereignty of their homeland in the Northern part of the country.

At the passing out parade, the Chief of Staff of the Malian Army expressed his gratitude to the 23 countries engaged in the European Union’s military training mission for their support in the modernisation of their armed forces, and asked them to continue with this work.

The EUTM Mali training mission has already accomplished the pro rata temporis part of its first mandate, and will complete the training of the 4th Mixed Combat Group until March according to plans. In what follows – in case of the extension of the mandate – they will train another 4 battalions, thereby modernising the Malian Army’s entire ground forces.


The warriors of the battalion proved their combat readiness after a training of nearly three months